[Level 2] Shell Interactive With Zenity Episode 3 -- error / info / question / warning

If you want to pop out a alter, you can use the option "--error, --info, --question or --warning". The command synopsis as the following:

     zenity  --entry  [--title=title]  [--window-icon=path]   [--width=width]   [--height=height]   [--timeout=seconds]   [--text=text] [--entry-text=text] [--hide-text]

# zenity --error

# zenity --info

# zenity --question

# zenity --warning

Just like "--calendar", if you press "ESC" key or click button "Cancel", the return code will be "1". If you click "OK", zenity will return the code will be "0". And also the same effect about the options "--title", "--timeout"...etc, for saving your time, please refer to the previous post "[Level 2] Shell Interactive With Zenity Episode 1 -- calendar", too.

One thing that confuse me is "--nowrap", every time I use it, the zenity will show the error return as "This option is not available. Please see --help for all possible usages.", and I don't konw. If you know it, please share with me know, thanks.
  Finally, I know where the problem is. The man page is written with wrong option name. The option should be "--no-wrap", not "--nowarp".

Wish this helps.

Stanley Huang


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