[Level 1] How to install VirtualBox in OpenSolaris.

VirtualBox is a virtual machine which provides you to install multi-OS on it.
LIke OpenSolaris, Solaris 10 x86, Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora...etc) and Windows.

The installation steps as the following:
1. Browering the download page.
2. Choose the right source for OpenSolaris.
  * VirtualBox 3.0.6 for Solaris and OpenSolaris hosts x86/amd64
3. unzip and untar. 
 # gzip -cd ./VirtualBox-3.0.4-50684-SunOS.tar.gz | tar xvf -
4. install package.
  # pkgadd -d ./VirtualBoxKern-3.0.4-SunOS-r50684.pkg all

 # pkgadd -d ./VirtualBox-3.0.4-SunOS-r50684.pkg all

5. And now, you can start VirtualBox.
 # /bin/VirtualBox

Wish this helps.

Stanley Huang


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