[Level 3] Solaris 10 Technical Conference ( 2009/10/25,11/13,12/4 ) -- Advanced SMF hands-on lab

The following is my lab file, please refer to it. 

Wish this helps.

Stanley Huang

The purpose of this lab is to let you have advanced SMF administration skill. And then you will have the following capabilities.
  1. smfmanifest_howto.pdf
  2. http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/howtoguides/servicemgmthowto.jsp

Lab 1:
* create new SMF service.

Lab 1:
1. copy smfSample.xml to /temp/.
# mkdir /temp;
# cp ./smfSample.xml /temp/myService.xml;

2. modify xml file.
# cd /temp;
# vi /temp/myService.xml;
[ find all "REPLACE_ME" to replace ]

3. create myService method.
# vi /temp/myService;
[ service method just like init method, ex. /etc/init.d/apache ]

4. create myService.main.
# vi /temp/myService.main;
[ the service main program ]

5. import service configuration.
# svccfg import /temp/myService.xml;

6. check service status.
# svcs myService;
# svcs -vx myService;

7. enable/disable/restart service.
# svcadm enable myService;
# svcadm disable myService;
# svcadm restart myService;


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