[Level 2] Python reverse engineering.
If you want to reverse engineering of python source code, you could use pylint to get class diagram. ref: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/saucy/man1/pyreverse.1.html http://www.logilab.org/6883 http://planet.logilab.fr/index.php?post_id=74 $ apt-cache search pyreverse pylint - python code static checker and UML diagram generator ... $ sudo apt-get -y install pylint $ pyreverse ./*.py $ dotty ./classes_No_Name.dot $ doggy ./packages_No_Name.dot or $ pyreverse -o png ./*.py $ eog ./classes_No_Name.png $ eog ./packages_No_Name.png related projects: http://floss.zoomquiet.io/data/20041231094746/index.html Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang