
Showing posts from December, 2016

[Level 1] Install RStudio on Ubuntu 16.04

One you have installed R on Ubuntu, there is a great R develop environment called "RStudio". You could install "R Studio" via apt-get command. $ sudo apt-get -y install rstudio $ rstudio Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[Level 1] Install R in Ubuntu

Here are the steps to install R on Ubuntu 16.04 $ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9 $ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386] xenial/' $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get -y install r-base r-base-core $ sudo -i R ## test R Here are the steps to instal R packages from CRAN $ sudo -i R > install.packages('__package_name__') Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang