
Showing posts from July, 2012

[ Level 2 ] Color for man page.

I forget where to get this information, just try it. export PAGER="`which less` -s" export BROWSER="$PAGER" export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[38;5;167m' export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[38;5;39m' export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[38;5;231m' export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[38;5;231m' export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[38;5;167m' export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[38;5;231m' export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[38;5;167m' Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[ Level 3 ] Bash auto completion

Bash auto complete Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[ Level 1] The most popular benchmark tools for MySQL

The most popular benchmark tools are: In MySQL official release: sql-bench mysqlslap Developed by community: DBT-2 SysBench Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[ Level 1 ] Utilities for MySQL.

Some body asked me any good utilities for MySQL, therefore, I listed several good utilities here and you could try to google it for detail information. Included: dim_STAT Maatkit mysqlreport mysqlresources mytop Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[ Level 2 ] Install Redmine on Ubuntu.

If you want to install Redmine on Ubuntu, please follow the following steps. Ref: Redmine Wiki The steps are as the following: 1. Download Redmine by subversion. 1-a. Install subversion by apt-get: # apt-get -y install subversion 1-b. Download Redmine by subversion: # svn co redmine-2.0 2. Install gem by apt-get. # apt-get -y install rubygems 3. Install Redmine by bundler. 3-a. Pre-install MySQL5.5, bundler and rmagick # apt-get -y install mysql-server-5.5 # gem install bundler # gem install rmagick 3-b. Setup Redmine by bundler # cd ./redmine-2.0 # bundle install --without development test mysql postgresql sqlite rmagick 4. Create database on MySQL. # mysql mysql> create database redmine character set utf8; mysql> create user 'redmine'@'localhost' identified by 'my_password'; mysql> grant all privileges on redmine.* to 'redmine'@'localhost...