
Showing posts from February, 2010

[Level 2] Install firefox plugin "flash player" on OpenSolaris

When I use OpenSolaris b130. I download the flash player from adobe website, and put the library file to the "plugins" folder of firefox, but firefox still cannot display flash content well. So how can we install flash player on OpenSolaris? You can install it from extra repository. extra repository=> pkg name=> firefox/plugin/flashplayer After install it, then you can see it works. Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[Level 3] Setting Local Repository.

Days ago, I am the speaker of Sun campus seminar,  my subject of the session is the OpenSolaris new feature. Because I have to demo how to install package by package manager, and I'm afraid that the school cannot provide my laptop to surve the net. I decided to setup the local repository on my laptop. The following script is the local repository setup script, please refer to it. regards, Stanley Huang #!/usr/bin/bash clear set -f ## noglob fRepoISO=/Karajon/ISOs/osol-repo-0906-full.iso dMP=/mnt/repo && pfexec mkdir -p $dMP fsRepo=rpool/repo && pfexec zfs create -o compression=on $fsRepo 2>/dev/null dRepo=`zfs get -H mountpoint $fsRepo | awk '{print($3)}'` sHost= sHostname=stanley-nb nPort=81 sIF=yge0:1 fBackupPublisher=/PkgPublisher.bak cat < Repository Full ISO Image    : $fRepoISO Iso Image Mount Point        : $dMP Repository ZFS File System   : $fsRepo Re...

[Level 2] MySQL Schedule Event

If you want to use MySQL scheduling, you can create event for this purpose.   ex. CREATE EVENT e  ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 MONTH    STARTS TIMESTAMP '2010-01-01 00:00:00'    ENDS TIMESTAMP '2010-12-31 23:59:59'  DO DELETE FROM 'xxxxx';   Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang