
Showing posts from May, 2013

[ Level 1 ] create cpio file with find.

Cpio is a good tool to pack files in one image, and it's fast. You could use find command to find files that you want and also use gzip to compress it. ex. $ find ./ -print | cpio -o -Hnewc | gzip > /tmp/my.cpio.gz Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[ Level 2 ] Create an egg for Python in Ubuntu.

How to create an egg file for Python. First of all, you must have setuptools module. $ sudo apt-get -y install python-setuptools Now, you could try to create an empty egg now. $ mkdir /tmp/demo $ cd /tmp/demo $ cat &ht; ./ <<EOF #!/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- from setuptools import setup setup() EOF $ python bdist_egg ## bdist_egg is the option for creating egg. $ ls -ALb build dist UNKNOWN.egg-info You could find, we have three more directories after you execute build -> dist -> final egg file UNKNOW.egg-info -> egg info Now, we could give setuptools more information about egg. cat > ./ <<EOF #!/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup( name = "my_first_egg", version="0.0.1", packages = find_packages(), zip_safe = False, description = "my first egg.", long_descriptio

[ Level 2 ] Fix duplicate vg/lv name.

1. scan vgs: $ vgscan 2. get vg information: $ vgdisplay --- Volume group --- VG Name vg00 ... VG UUID FUoK9F-9mgs-jO4M-vub1-Y7zs-6wpQ-uM2S11 --- Volume group --- VG Name vg00 ... VG UUID FUoK9F-9mgs-jO4M-vub1-Y7zs-6wpQ-uM2S12 3. export vg $ vgexport 4. rename vg name $ vgrename FUoK9F-9mgs-jO4M-vub1-Y7zs-6wpQ-uM2S12 vg01 5. import vg $ vgimport vg01 6. get vg information: $ vgdisplay --- Volume group --- VG Name vg00 ... VG UUID FUoK9F-9mgs-jO4M-vub1-Y7zs-6wpQ-uM2S11 --- Volume group --- VG Name vg01 ... VG UUID FUoK9F-9mgs-jO4M-vub1-Y7zs-6wpQ-uM2S12 7. get lv information $ lvscan ACTIVE '/dev/vg00/lv00' [13.99 GiB] inherit inactive '/dev/vg01/lv00' [13.99 GiB] inherit 8. active vg01 $ vgchange --ignorelockingfailure --noudevsync --sysinit -ay vg01 >/dev/null 2>&1 && 9. rename lv name(optio

[ Level 2 ] Get last argument in bash.

You could use the following methods to get the last argument that you pass to script. #!/bin/bash getLastArg1() { for last do true done echo $last } getLastArg2() { echo $@ | awk '{print($NF)}' } getLastArg3() { eval echo `echo \\$${#@}` } getLastArg1 $@ getLastArg2 $@ getLastArg3 $@ $ ./ a b c c c c $ Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[ Level 3 ] Test your Python code.

Ref: Mock: Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[ Level 2 ] Tips of unittest for Python.

There are tips for Python: 1. Use mock for replace method. ex. myMock=mox.Mox() myMock.StubOutWithMock(myModule, 'replaceMethod') myModule.replaceMethod(input).AndReturn('Hello World!') myMock.ReplayAll() expected = 'Hello World!' self.assertEqual(module.replaceMethod(input), expected) myMock.VerifyAll() #verify if all mocks be executed. myMock.UnsetStubs() #release all mocks 2. Use -m to test one method only. ex. $ python -m unittest myApp.TestClass.testMethod Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[ Level 2 ] Coverage in Python.

$ sudo pip install coverage $ coverage run arg1 arg2... $ coverage report -m $ coverage html $ coverage help (run) ## or coverage run --help Commands of coverage: run – Run a Python program and collect execution data. report – Report coverage results. html – Produce annotated HTML listings with coverage results. xml – Produce an XML report with coverage results. annotate – Annotate source files with coverage results. erase – Erase previously collected coverage data. combine – Combine together a number of data files. debug – Get diagnostic information. Ref: Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang

[ Level 1 ] The popular MySQL GUI client tools

There are the popular MySQL GUI client tools: . Aqua Data Studio. . CLIENT FOR MYSQL BY ENGINSITE. . dbForge Studio. . DBTools Manager. . DbVisualizer. . Dreamcoder for MySQL. . HeidiSQL. . Navicat. . MyDB Studio. . phpMyAdmin. . Sequel Pro. . SQL Examiner Suite. . SQL Maestro MySQL Tools Family. . SQLWave. . SQLyog. . SQuirreL. . Toad for MySQL.

[ Level 3 ] How to build MySQL client tool - mysql

First, you have to download MySQL source and use the following command to build it. $ ./configure --without-server --enable-thread-safe-client --with-client-ldflags=-all-static --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-machine-type=powerpc --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/zlib --without-debug --without-docs --with-big-tables If you don't want to build it, there is a way to get it. (The sample is for Ubuntu only.) $ apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev Wish this helps. regards, Stanley Huang